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Stereoselective Synthesis of Z-Fluoroalkenes by Copper-Catalyzed Hydrodefluorination of gem-Difluoroalkenes with Water
Release time:2017-08-31    clicks:1082

The group publishes a Stereoselective Synthesis of Z-Fluoroalkenes by Copper-Catalyzed Hydrodefluorination of gem-Difluoroalkenes with Water on Angew. Congrats Hu and Han!

ABSTRACT: A  copper-catalytic  system  has  been  established  for  the stereoselective hydrodefluorination of gem-difluoroalkenes via C-F activation to synthesize various Z-fluoroalkenes. H2O is first used as a  hydrogen  source  for  the  fluorine  acceptor  moiety.  This  mild catalytic system shows good functional group compatibility bearing substrates  from  aliphatic,  aromatic  and  α,β-unsaturated  aldehydes and even ketones that can be served as a powerful synthetic tool for late-stage modification of complex compounds.